As a father of two little girls, I constantly think about the lessons I would like them to remember if something were to ever happen to me. Critical thinking and the ability to question should be at the top of their list. My wish is that they are firm in their convictions, rather than simply falling in line with the masses, as long as their beliefs are sound in thought and backed up by independent research and evidence.
Historically, when it comes to investing in financial markets, following the masses, more frequently than not, can be detrimental to wealth creation:
Among others, Shefrin and Statman’s The disposition to sell winners too early and ride losers too long study published in the Journal of Finance in July 1985 speaks to the “disposition effect” and how investors psyche affects their investment decisions in regards to individual equities. Both history and data suggest the majority of investors do the exact oppositeof what they should do based on emotions (either their own or their investment professionals).
Our approach strives to remove emotion from the process, allowing winners to run and cutting losers before they become problematic.
Our Disciplined and Diversified Equity model strives to blend capital preservation investment strategies with risk-management strategies.
Our income planning strategies look to remove as many questions and variables from your future retirement.
Based upon your current stage of life, some of you will be in the growth and accumulation phase of like, while others should blend a combination of approaches. Creating and constructing a proper retirement plan is much like that of writing a symphony. When blending products together based upon want, need and product characteristic, rather than cognitive bias, it becomes a marriage of notes which gives investors lifetime predictable income, growth, emergency cash needs, and in some more complex situations, tax free income and generational legacy assets for heirs or charities of choice.
Warren Buffett has been credited with saying that to succeed as an investor; you need to “be fearful when others are greedy and greedy when others are fearful. For those Frost fans out there, “Take the road less traveled” or…in simple terms, it’s ok to be different.
Our experience and views may differ from most, but it doesn’t mean that most are right. We offer you the insight and knowledge of an multi decade financial professional who has seen witnessed the industry from numerous angles. Our perspective differs from most based upon the path taken over the years. While we are a new and smaller asset management firm, we have the ability to offer you access to the services, resources, and capabilities of an industry-leading global firm, at the same time implementing a shoshin perspective allowing us to better address the aspects of your complex lifetime goals.
We welcome the opportunity to show our commitment to serving you.