Podcast: Stansberry Investor Hour Episode 149 Released 4/9/2020 |
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1:35 – Where are we with the Coronavirus? “The stock market dropped 34% faster than it ever has before… The global economy is looking at a massive contraction… There’s 10 million people out of work.”
5:30 – Dan recalls how 2008 led him to pick one of his biggest winners in Stansberry history.
10:20 – What should most people do with their money during all of this? Is it time to buy stocks? Gold? Do nothing?
18:20 – Dan has a conversation with today’s guest, Mitchel Krause, founder of Otherside Asset Management, a firm focused on providing investors with true informed consent when it comes to investing.
26:25 – Mitchel discusses how Otherside Asset Management uses several different risk strategies to protect your assets during a time like this, which explains why firm is performing “leaps and bounds better than every [index] that’s out there right now.”
30:11 – “The leverage in the system has never been greater, the credit quality in the system has never been worse. I try my best to take a broad macro approach…” Mitchel discusses the unprecedented territory we find ourselves in today.
39:45 – When you have the Fed come out with a 1.5 Trillion bazooka, and the market still closes down, what does that tell you about the health of the market? Dan and Mitchell discuss the possibility of a big credit event.
44:00 – “When you leverage the system like that, no one knows what will happen… I would love to sit here and tell you that I know what is going to happen, but we can’t be that absolute. When you live in a world of absolutes you usually find yourself wrong on one side or the other. That’s why you have to hedge yourself.”
51:56 – Mitchel and Dan discuss diversification, and the narrative of the safety of mutual funds. Can you just buy a bunch of them and be okay?
1:02:54 – Dan asks Mitchel, “if you could leave our listeners with one idea, what would that be?”
1:05:48– Dan answers questions from listeners in the mailbag… There’s a fine line between a visionary and a fraudster… Who does that remind you of? What will happen to precious metals if there’s inflation or deflation? Is it a bull case either way? Do you disagree with Porter about deep value investing? All of these and more on this week’s mailbag.
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More podcasts will be coming soon.