
November 2024: I have NEVER liked bullies…

Bullies “Here’s the thing: I can’t remember a time where the Fed’s forecasts were accurate, the “dots” are literally perpetually wrong! At the same time, in his most recent press conference, Fed Chairman Jay Powell not only would NOT commit to cuts but stated they would raise rates if inflation doesn’t reach their 2.0% target. That being said, how…

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September 2024: Passing the tourch!!!

Passing the torch… “You are the accumulation of everything you have learnt from your mother and father, and a whole lot more you have added yourself. You now need to take that and lead the family. You’ve got this! It’s shit. Do the best job you can do.” Last monthly (August 31, 2024) we shared with friends, clients, and…

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August 2024: Family Matter!!!

Family Matters… If you’re a product of the 1990’s, reading those two words might spawn flashbacks of Policeman Karl Winslow, his family and the “nerd” who lived next door, Steve Urkel and his well-known … “did I do that?!” in his patented squeaky tone. Long time readers know that these monthly notes are an expression of who I am….

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Q2 2024: Surface…Pressure

“It’s pressure like a drip, drip, drip that’ll never stop, whoaPressure that’ll tip, tip, tip ’til you just go pop” ~ Jessica Darrow (Disney Music, Encanto) Surface pressure Earlier this week, a select few visitors at Yellowstone National Park witnessed what’s known as a hydrothermal explosion, which occurs when a massive buildup in pressure of nearly boiling water beneath…

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DISINGENUOUS “a fool’s voice is known by his many words” Ecclesiastes 5:3 NKJV It would be safe to say that I do a fair amount of reading. Not just in the world of finance, economics and investing, but across the gambit. That being said, outside of finance, my attention is most frequently focused on history, motivational self-help and behavior science…

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May 2024: Why yes, JEROME…INDEED!!

True resolve Long-time readers know the story of Ignaz Semmelweis, we’ve written about him on numerous occasions in 2018 here & 2021 here; to note a few… Semmelweis is the father of germ theory … NO, it’s not Pasteur as public schools continue to teach today. While Pasteur’s experiments led him to publish on germ theory in 1861 after…

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Q1 2024: FLIP – FLOP

“…the lies/mistruths are simply embarrassing at this point. If it hasn’t been clear to you that your unelected officials could care less about the majority of Americans by now, you’re just not paying attention.” ~ OSAM 4/1/24 Flip-Flop No, I’m not talking about the loose rubber sandals the vast majority of the world wears when the weather is warm,…

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March 2024: HIGHER FOR LONGER! From the Fed to government: deficit spending, growth & inflation.

Higher for longer “We’ve got nine months of 2-1/2 percent inflation now and we’ve had two months of kind of bumpy inflation. We were saying that well, it’s going to be a bumpy ride.” Federal Reserve Chairman Jay Powell 3/20/24 We’re going to keep this note as short and tight as possible … as the lies/mistruths are simply embarrassing…

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