All too often, we allow “the law of the instrument”, our learned biases, coupled with outside influences, i.e. the cognitive bias’s of trusted friends and advisors, to get in the way of a properly constructed, sound retirement plan that includes a balanced mixture of financial vehicles; crossing industry borders in an effort to address the most feared aspects of retirement.
It’s been said, “questions are the answers”, though we’d take it a step further. A true solution comes in asking the right questions. We look to ask the right questions and then listen intently to your concerns, needs, and objectives.
During our initial consultation, the primary goal is to thoroughly understand all of your important concerns, needs, and objectives as it pertains to your current lifestyle as well as retirement. i.e. How do you envision your retirement?
We’d also like you to ask as many questions of us as you’d like. While a distant second to a child or beloved family member, your financial future is arguably your next, most highly coveted of possessions. This process doesn’t work with half-truths or lack of trust, so ask away.
Get to know us; we are here to help you navigate the various options available to you within the financial services industry as well as share with you our unique perspective. Our opinions may very well challenge many of your core investing beliefs? Our concepts differ from that of traditional methods, which often tend to fail investors at a time where failure simply isn’t an option. Thinking different is something we pride ourselves on, it is a driving force behind our success, as many clients have found our process to be a refreshing, more comfortable experience vs. what can be and is often a stressful scenario.
Our process enables you to have a more predicable and clear understanding of what types of results you should expect from our customizable portfolios – especially when compared with your typical conventional solutions.
We help you redesign your portfolio mathematically and correctly for the season of life you are entering.
We believe there is a mathematically correct solution for each of us based upon our own individual wants and needs. A properly designed, well-executed plan implementing the best of breed solutions from each segment of the financial industry takes the pressure off any single one to perform.
Based upon ones desired income requirement and current financial situation, plans can get quite complex, however, the basic foundation as to which the plan is built remains constant, during the initial design. A common mistake is overlooking certain assets, such as 401k’s, branded as “untouchable”. All assets should be evaluated (even if you don’t think they can be used at a particular moment in time).
In its most simplistic of form, our definition of a “mathematically correct solution” is one, which provides you with a predictable replacement income stream for life that has the ability to increase over time (hedging agains inflation); one that addresses immediate emergency needs, while also providing growth throughout your retirement years.
Our top priority is addressing your every want and need with predictability and safety, utilizing the proper tool for the right job within your personalized plan. The tool’s characteristics dictate its use, NOT a cognitive bias.
During the Design phase, we look to gather as much of the important financial information necessary to evaluate your situation, then clarify your desired wants and needs in order to move beyond the conceptual discussion.
The goal of our design process is to work closely together in creating a formal portfolio draft designed to address all of your stated wants and needs as previously discussed. We look to address your target level of monthly income and preservation of principal throughout retirement that you have requested, as well as any other important features such as how to address unforeseen emergencies, inflation hedges, possible exploration of tax efficiencies among numerous other thoughts others may have had before you?
“I suppose it is tempting, if the only tool you have is a hammer, to treat everything as if it were a nail” ~ unknown
Our top priority is addressing your desired wants and needs based upon their importance as you’ve expressed them to us.
Through honest and open discussion during the discovery phase of our process, it gives us the ability to guide you when picking the proper tools for your specific job at hand. While we’ve mentioned this already, its importance should be stressed; the tools characteristics dictate its use, NOT a cognitive bias.
Typically a 3 step process, the 3rd session is devoted entirely towards satisfying any final concerns or questions that a prospective client may have from a trust and credibility standpoint – whether it comes to the background check verification of our advisors or the strength and credibility of the insurance and investment models we use to fund each portion of your newly designed portfolio. Assuming all parties involved are comfortable with the plan, we move forward with implementation. Should there be any questions or concerns, we address them and/or make tweaks before doing so.