


DISINGENUOUS “a fool’s voice is known by his many words” Ecclesiastes 5:3 NKJV It would be safe to say that I do a fair amount of reading. Not just in the world of finance, economics and investing, but across the gambit. That being said, outside of finance, my attention is most frequently focused on history, motivational self-help and behavior science…

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May 2024: Why yes, JEROME…INDEED!!

True resolve Long-time readers know the story of Ignaz Semmelweis, we’ve written about him on numerous occasions in 2018 here & 2021 here; to note a few… Semmelweis is the father of germ theory … NO, it’s not Pasteur as public schools continue to teach today. While Pasteur’s experiments led him to publish on germ theory in 1861 after…

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Q1 2024: FLIP – FLOP

“…the lies/mistruths are simply embarrassing at this point. If it hasn’t been clear to you that your unelected officials could care less about the majority of Americans by now, you’re just not paying attention.” ~ OSAM 4/1/24 Flip-Flop No, I’m not talking about the loose rubber sandals the vast majority of the world wears when the weather is warm,…

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March 2024: HIGHER FOR LONGER! From the Fed to government: deficit spending, growth & inflation.

Higher for longer “We’ve got nine months of 2-1/2 percent inflation now and we’ve had two months of kind of bumpy inflation. We were saying that well, it’s going to be a bumpy ride.” Federal Reserve Chairman Jay Powell 3/20/24 We’re going to keep this note as short and tight as possible … as the lies/mistruths are simply embarrassing…

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February 2024: Opposing forces collide! Is it just a matter of time?! Only time will tell…

Today we have no witty analogy to open … the length of the note is due large in part to graphs, don’t let the length scare you away! At the moment, we’ve got some pretty powerful opposing forces facing off head-to-head, as central planners are attempting to: Bend gravity Over the last 2 years we’ve been talking about a…

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Q4 2023: DISTRACTION meets: Train wreck in slow motion!

Distraction Our family is constantly on the go … with two young girls, I find myself throwing my laptop into my backpack as I move from one location to the next: be it bringing my girls to and from school, soccer practice, a kids CrossFit class, or working around my oldest daughters’ gymnastics schedule, we’re moving non-stop. That being…

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December 2023: ‘Twas the night before Christmas …

‘Twas the night before Christmas … And I’m slowly recovering from one of the worst fevers of my adult life; my head feels like it had been pounded on for days. As I write, my nostrils which had shrunk to the size of pin holes are just beginning to open again and my lungs are exhausted from hacking. Less…

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November 2023: They NEVER SEE IT COMING!!! Because they don’t do data & it’s deplorable…

“The striking thing … the economic data have been surreally good!” (source revealed below) Principles I’m a fairly large individual … standing at roughly 6’3” 255lb; a 52” chest, 36/38” waist depending on the cut of pants with veins popping from my forearms, it’s safe to say I have an athletic build. Over the years, many have suggested that…

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Q3 2023: Short…The Establishment!!!

“The war on inflation is over. We won, at very little cost.” economist @PaulKrugman A crumbling narrative Our opening quote comes from “Nobel laureate”, “Distinguished” Professor of Economics at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York, Op-Ed columnist for @nytopinion, Author + more … just ask him, I’m sure he’ll tell you … Paul Krugman in a…

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September 2023: TRAPPED…There is NO easy way out!!!

Last month we discussed the importance of understanding the details in the data quoting Twain, “There are three kinds of lies: Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics” … we noted that it’s not the data that lies, but those who manipulate it. This month we’re going to piggyback off a few of our more recent notes for as the data…

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